Jack Tighe Ltd was awarded this contract to scaffold, encapsulate, clean, blast and paint this grade II listed bridge in Boston, Lincolnshire.

The improvement works and the application of protective coatings are essential as at high tide, parts of the steel structure of the bridge are submerged under the water line. (River Witham).



All Jack Tighe Ltd operatives received a site induction from Balfour Beatty & Jack Tighe Ltd to ensure safe working practices and site PPE requirements are complied with. Site induction covered all emergency arrangements on site including Muster points.

Access to the works was via a fully fixed encapsulated scaffold supplied by specialist subcontractor SGS Limited. All details including the emergency arrangements were contained within the SGS RAMS.



The Installation of Demarcation Buoys was undertaken by specialist subcontractor Teignmouth Maritime Services Ltd. Both subcontractors are existing members of our approved supply chain.

All traffic and pedestrian management systems were undertaken by Balfour Beatty. Pedestrians were able to cross the bridge while work was underway with social distancing measures in place. One lane of the bridge remained open for traffic.


All deliveries and the location of plant/equipment were agreed with regards to times and designated areas with Balfour Beatty.

Site set up – JTL facilitated the site set up of cabins and equipment using a lorry mounted Hiab.

Following site set-up in mid-June 2020, the work programme was completed in two phases:

Phase 1

  • Install fendering
  • Erect scaffold for phase 1 (excluding parapets)
  • Prepare and paint phase 1
  • Switch fendering

Phase 2

  • Erect scaffold for phase 2 (including parapets full length)
  • Prepare and prime phase 2, underside
  • Remove boards phase 2 in advance of high tide
  • Paint parapets
  • Dismantle scaffold
  • Remove fendering
  • Demobilise


The work specification was as follows:

Underside Areas


  • Blast clean areas of corrosion to BS EN ISO 8501-1:2007 Standard Sa2.
  • Sweep blast remaining areas of sound coating to afford a key for subsequent coating system.
  • To areas prepared to Sa2, apply Interzone 954 to achieve 200 microns dry film thickness (240 wet film thickness).
  • Apply stripe coat Interzone 954 to edges, nuts, bolts, etc.
  • Apply overall coat Interzone 954 to achieve 200 microns dry film thickness (240 wet film thickness).


Outside Faces of Girders Exposed to UV


  • Blast clean areas of corrosion to BS EN ISO 8501-1:2007 Standard Sa2.
  • Sweep blast remaining areas of sound coating to afford a key for subsequent coating system.
  • To areas prepared to Sa2, apply Interzone 954 to achieve 200 microns dry film thickness (240 wet film thickness).
  • Apply stripe coat Interzone 954 to edges, nuts, bolts, etc.
  • Apply overall coat Interzone 954 to achieve 200 microns dry film thickness (240 wet film thickness).
  • Apply overall coat HA Item 169 Interthane 870 to achieve 75 microns dry film thickness (135 wet film thickness).

Finish colours – 00E55 White & 08C35 Butterscotch




  • Wash down.
  • Full abrade of sound coating to afford a key for subsequent coating system.
  • Apply overall coat HA Item 169 Interthane 870 to achieve 75 microns dry film thickness (135 wet film thickness).



All personnel were ICATS accredited and held the requisite blaster, sprayer, and supervisor additional module qualifications. Regular site inspections were carried out by the NACE and ICORR accredited Contracts Manager and HSQ&E officers conducted a series of site audits to confirm adherence to our safe methods of working, risk assessments and COSHH assessments.

The average number of workers peaked at 6 and the work was completed at the beginning of September 2020.

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