Jack Tighe Ltd was approached early in 2016 and asked to tender for blast cleaning of steel piles and application of intumescent fire protective coatings in two basement levels of the building.

Brookfield Multiplex was appointed to build a major luxury residential and retail development in Mayfair by Native Land in June 2015. This scheme comprises a nine-storey mixed-use complex of 42 luxury apartments, gym, spa and 25,000 square feet of retail space designed for art gallery use.

Following our tender success we began work on site in May 2016 with a team of 4 ICATS accredited blasters and painters overseen by an ICATS accredited supervisor. Our designated contracts manager held both IOSH Managing Safely and NACE paint inspector accreditation.

Brookfield Multiplex were responsible for ensuring a safe and clear access and egress route between the work areas and the welfare unit, together with the provision of a safe loading and unloading area for site mobilisation and equipment movement. They also undertook to partition and / or encapsulate the working area to control any potential contamination to the atmosphere during our blasting and spraying activities.

Jack Tighe Ltd personnel ensured control barriers and protection as well as suitable signage were in place and displayed to warn third parties of our ongoing works and to prevent access to the work areas by unauthorised people. Our supervisor liaised regularly with the on-site management to confirm daily work scope and provide all necessary safety briefings to all contractors on site.

Access to the works was from firm ground and using aluminium mobile platforms supplied and erected by competent Pasma trained Jack Tighe operatives.

The specification involved blast cleaning to all areas to Sa2 ½ except for column heads and base plates which were mechanically cleaned by bristle blaster to ST3.

Following the surface preparation, the coatings system, supplied by Hempel Paints, was as follows:

Anti-Corrosive Specification:

  • 1 coat of Hempadur Mastic 45880
  • 1 stripe coat the same
  • 1 finish coat of Hempathane HS 55613 RAL 7040

90 Minute Fire Protection Specification:

  • 1 coat of Hempadur Mastic 45880
  • 1 stripe coat the same
  • 1 coat of Hempacore ONE 43600
  • 1 finish coat of Hempathane HS 55613 RAL 7040

120 Minute Fire Protection Specification:

  • 1 coat of Hempadur Mastic 45880
  • 1 stripe coat the same
  • 2 coats of Hempacore ONE 43600
  • 1 finish coat of Hempathane HS 55613 RAL 7040

Company owned plant and equipment used on this contract consisted of an 825 cfm compressor, generator, vacuum grit recovery unit, dust extraction unit, solvent extraction unit, bifurcated fans, bristle blasters, blast pots, spray pumps, diesel bowser, clean air packs, a pallet lift truck, mobile aluminium towers and EX rated lighting.

The supervisor used wet and dry thickness gauges and a dew point meter and maintained daily logs of ambient conditions, material batch numbers and wet / dry film thicknesses to enter into the contract specific quality plan.

The works were carried out in 3 distinct phases to accommodate the programme and other trades with completion being achieved in November for the tendered sum of £120,500.

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