We mobilised the works from our Kirton Lindsey head office, using company owned plant and equipment, and selected a team of one SSSTS and ICATS accredited supervisor and 3 ICATS accredited operatives, all of whom held the necessary PTS, ICI and AC/DCCR certifications.
After consultation with Osborne Rail, it was decided that painting works should be conducted in two phases to allow other trades to carry out their works in between our visits.
On our first visit to site all Jack Tighe Ltd operatives received a site induction from the Site Supervisor to ensure safe working practices and site minimum PPE requirements were complied with. The site induction covered all emergency arrangements on site including Muster points and Osborne Rail confirmed that they would be responsible for all Traffic Management throughout the duration of the works.
The bridge was divided into 4 sections to receive a high-pressure wash. A layer of terram was laid down onto the floor and an outer wooden frame of 2 by 2 timbers was built from the apex centre of the bridge down to the end of the first quarter. A barrier wall was then built at both ends and Inside the frame boards were placed on top of the terram to direct the flow of water to the far end of the bridge where a puddle/sump pump was positioned to collect the water and transfer it in to an ISO. The ISO, once full, was then collected and disposed of by an approved waste haulage company. An aluminium tower was wrapped in debris netting, allowing the high pressure washing to be done whilst minimising the chance of flying debris. This method was mirrored on all four quarters of the bridge allowing for the water from the wash down to be collected.
Access to abutment pockets was via mobile aluminium towers / fibreglass towers supplied and erected by a competent trained operative who also carried out daily checks to ensure the towers remained fit for purpose.
On the second visit, which followed the removal of all tarmac and decking by Osborne personnel, our team carried out surface preparation and application of the coating system to this exposed deck steel work.