In March 2020, Jack Tighe Ltd was awarded a place, by North Yorkshire County Council, onto their Bridge Painting Framework Contract. The Framework period runs from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2024 (4 years).

The first project undertaken by JTL under the framework conditions was the substrate repair and painting scheme at Harper Wath, a public footbridge over the river Ure.

Jack Tighe Ltd acted as Principal Contractor for the scheme. A Construction Phase Plan was developed from the Pre-construction Information provided by North Yorkshire County Council and Jack Tighe Ltd and was further developed as the project progressed. All persons working on or visiting the site were made aware of the availability of the plan and its contents and it was clearly displayed on site.

All Jack Tighe operatives received a site induction to ensure safe working practices and site PPE requirements were complied with. The site induction covered all emergency arrangements on site including muster points.

Access to the working areas was via fixed scaffolding with Debri Netting and boarded/visqueen environmental protection incorporated into the design supplied by LEA Scaffolding. LEA Scaffolding was responsible for the maintenance and required scaffolding inspections under SG4-17 & TG4-20.

Designated walking routes from the welfare area, working area and working site boundaries were established and information/instruction was covered within the site induction.


All Jack Tighe operatives received a site induction to ensure safe working practices and site PPE requirements were complied with. The site induction covered all emergency arrangements on site including muster points.

Access to the working areas was via fixed scaffolding with Debri Netting and boarded/visqueen environmental protection incorporated into the design supplied by LEA Scaffolding. LEA Scaffolding was responsible for the maintenance and required scaffolding inspections under SG4-17 & TG4-20.

Designated walking routes from the welfare area, working area and working site boundaries were established and information/instruction was covered within the site induction.

Hazards associated with working over water and riverbanks were covered within the site induction, informing operatives which areas have restricted access due to unsafe ground conditions and possible flood zones, if the river is in flood after heavy rain. The site supervisor regularly checked weather reports following day and 7-day forecasts. Marker posts were placed near the water/river edge in visual site of the working area, as an indicator of the water levels rising.

The Site Supervisor was responsible for ensuring that all labour had been briefed regarding safety and security prior to commencing work on site. It was also the Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that all plant and equipment was in good working order.

All personnel working on site were ICATS accredited and were familiar with all aspects of painting activities. Regular site inspections were carried out by the NACE and ICORR accredited Contracts Manager and HSQ&E officers conducted a series of site audits to confirm adherence to our safe methods of working, risk assessments and COSHH assessments.

The site supervisor/operatives performed daily “Take 5” point of work assessments checks before work commenced to identify if any extra safety precautions were required.

Following the site compound and scaffolding set-up, work commenced on site in mid – August with 3 operatives working on the painting work associated with the footbridge itself. (see specification below). On 4th September, when the footbridge painting was complete, we employed an additional operative from Jack Tighe Coatings Ltd to carry out the remaining work to the concrete deck. (Before and after pictures attached)


Specification Procedure



  • Pressure wash down all surfaces to remove any contaminants and loosely adhered coatings etc.
  • Mechanically clean any areas to BS7079: Part A1 Standard St3.
  • Apply patch coat HA item 115 Jotamastic 80 Aluminium to achieve 100 microns dry film thickness (125 microns wet film thickness).
  • Apply 1 coat HA item 116 Jotamastic 80 intermediate/build coat to achieve 150 microns dry film thickness (190 microns wet film thickness)
  • Apply 1 coat HA item 168 Hardtop XP finish coat to achieve 50 microns dry film thickness (90 microns wet film thickness).


Concrete Deck


  • Track grit blast via 16ES Automatic Blast Machine for subsequent coating system.
  • Apply/poured Res-build ET Slurry onto the prepared surface and spread out with a serrated trowel or steel float to achieve 2-4mm depth.
  • If necessary, the material may be spiked & rolled.
  • Apply 1-3 mm sized aggregate (nominal rate of 6-15kg/m²).



We produced an Environmental Risk Plan and Impact Assessment, which highlighted the main environmental issues Jack Tighe Ltd could encounter during the mechanical removal of existing paint coatings and the reapplication of new coatings. The main issues identified include: –

Airborne Dust – All mechanical preparation works took place in an enclosed encapsulated debris netting area to minimise the escape of airborne dust contaminated with waste paint flakes.

Land Contamination – Jack Tighe Ltd had a generator on site throughout the contract. To prevent any discharge to land from the equipment drip trays were placed under all static plant. The bowser containing fuel was bunded and double skinned to prevent any leaks.

All plant and equipment was locked and made secure at the end of every working shift to prevent any vandalism or damage. Any vehicles/plant that had a mechanical oil/water leakage that couldnt be rectified was removed from site.

All paint materials were located in a lockable and secure bunded paint store.

Noise – All engined plant was hired from reputable UK companies and were fitted with silencers and turned off when not in use. All mechanical preparation and painting works took place within the encapsulated enclosed area.

Waste Disposal – Waste paint flakes were disposed of in an enclosed container and a sample sent away to Oemachem Testing Services/SafetyKleen for analysis to determine whether it was classed as hazardous waste. We then arranged for the relevant licensed waste carrier (Safetykleen) to dispose of to the correct landfill site or possible recycle route.

Works were completed to programme for a value of £50,000.

Road Haulage Association
Marine Painting Forum
British Safety Council Member
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Train the Painter
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